Pictures - Company D

Capt. Alexander Anderson
Company D, 123rd New York
Company D, 123rd Regt. N.Y. Vols. Age, 30 years. Enrolled at Salem, to serve three years, and mustered in as first lieutenant, Co. D, August 14, 1862; as captain, February 23, 1863; mustered out with company, June 8, 1865, near Washington, D.C. Commissioned first lieutenant, September 10, 1862, with rank from August 14, 1862, original; captain, May 21, 1863, with rank from February 22, 1863, vice J. Barron dismissed.
Photos 1 & 2 obtained from eBay. Photo 3 courtesy of Tim Tefft of the Greenwich Journal. Photo 4 courtesy of Bill Burkett.

1st Lt. Alexander Anderson's Commission Document
Company D, 123rd New York
This is the original First Lieutenant commission document for Alexander Anderson, signed September 10, 1862.
Photo courtesy of Bill Burkett.
1st Lieutenant Edward P. Quinn
Company D, 123rd New York
Edward P. Quinn enlisted at Fort Ann; date of commission September 10, 1862; date of rank, August 14, 1862; promoted 1st Lieutenant; date of commission May 21, 1863; date of rank, February 22, 1863; wounded at Kolb's Farm, Kennesaw, Georgia; discharged May 15, 1865.
Photo on the left courtesy of Tim Tefft of the Greenwich Journal. Photo on the right courtesy of Ed Robinson.
Information provided by Edward C. Robinson, Col., U.S. Army, Ret., of Alexandria, Va.

2nd Lieutenant Willis Swift, Jr.
Company D, 123rd New York
Willis Swift, Jr. enlisted at Fort Ann on August 5, 1862 to serve three years. He was 21 years old. He mustered in as a private on August 14, 1862. He was promoted to first sergeant on September 4, 1862. He mustered in as second lieutenant on May 21, 1863. He mustered out with the company on June 8, 1865 near Washington DC. Commissioned second lieutenant on May 21, 1863 with rank from February 22, 1863.
Top photo courtesy of Edward C. Robinson, Col., U.S. Army, Ret., of Alexandria, Va. Bottom photo courtesy of Bob Farrell.

Sgt. Rice C. Bull
Company D, 123rd New York
Company D, 123rd Regt. N.Y. Vols. Picture 2 was taken from the book "Soldiering - The Civil War Diary of Rice C. Bull, 123rd New York Volunteer Infantry," edited by K. Jack Bauer, published by Presidio Press, San Rafael, California, second printing, 1978. Sergeant Rice C. Bull was from Fort Ann, Washington County. The personal story of his wounding, capture, suffering and ultimate parole at the Battle of Chancellorsville is astounding. Original photos courtesy of Miss Helen L. Bull.
Photo 1 from the book Kennesaw Mountain, June 1864: Bitter Standoff at the Gibraltar of Georgia by Richard A. Baumgartner and Larry M. Strayer.
Photo 2 courtesy of Edward C. Robinson, Col., U.S. Army, Ret., of Alexandria, Va.

Cpl. Nathanial S. Rowell
Company D, 123rd New York
Nathanial S. Rowell was born in Lynn, Mass., on April 6, 1841. In 1859 he went with his family to Whitehall, N.Y. He enlisted on August 19, 1862, at Fort Ann, and was mustered in as a private in Co. D, 123rd Regiment, on September 4, 1862, at Salem, N.Y. On December 11, he joined General Kane's Scouts. He was promoted to Corporal (no date given). Nathanial was in the battles of Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Resaca, Cassville, Kolb's Farm, Peach Tree Creek, Atlanta, Savannah, Bentonville, Aversborough, and Black Swamp, near Raleigh, N.C. He mustered out with the company on June 8, 1865, near Washington, D.C. After the war, he went back to Lynn, Mass., where in 1866 he began a distinguished career as a police officer. He married Sarah in 1867 and was with her until her death in 1886. They had four children. In recognition of his faithful service and number of years on the force, he was advanced to the position of Sergeant of Police in 1899. Nathanial died in December 1921 and is buried in Pine Grove Cemetary in Lynn, Mass., along with his brother Enoch Page Rowell, who also served as a private with Company D.
Pictures: Younger Nathanial, 1879; Older Nathanial, undated but approximately 1899.
Photos and information courtesy of Kelly Kochis, g-g-granddaughter of Nathanial S. Rowell.

Pvt. Andrew E. Benson
Company D, 123rd New York
Andrew E. Benson, 18 years of age, enlisted, August 11, 1862, at Putnam, to serve three years and mustered in as a private, Co. D, on September 4, 1862. He mustered out with the company, June 8, 1865, near Washington, D.C.
Photo courtesy of the Carlisle Barracks and Bob Farrell.

Pvt. Jeremiah (Jerry) Finch
Company D, 123rd New York
Jerry Finch, 21 years of age, enlisted, August 22, 1862, at Fort Ann, to serve three years and mustered in as a private, Co. D, on September 4, 1862. He was killed in action at Chancellorsville, Virginia on May 1, 1863.
Photo courtesy of descendant Anne Finch.

Pvt. Andrew J. Fisher
Company D, 123rd New York
Andrew J. Fisher enlisted on July 29, 1862, at Fort Ann, at age 33, to serve three years and mustered in as a private in Co. D on September 4, 1862. He mustered out with the company on June 8, 1865, near Washington, D.C. Pictured in the photo with Pvt. Fisher is his second wife, Laura Jane Benton. Andrew Jackson Fisher was born April 22, 1829, in Fort Ann, Washington County, N.Y. He died October 25, 1912, in West Fort Ann, N.Y. He was the son of Thomas H. and Paulina (Osgood) Fisher.
Photo courtesy of Charles Willis.

Pvt. Oscar Fisher and Cpl. Ransom O. Fisher
Company D, 123rd New York
Oscar Fisher was born in 1830 in Fort Ann, New York and Ransom O. Fisher was born on July 16, 1843 in Fort Ann, New York. They were both the sons of Thomas H. and Paulina (Osgood) Fisher and brothers to Andrew Jackson Fisher. Immediately following the war in August of 1865, Oscar moved to Pennsylvania. Ransom died on December 8, 1863 in Bridgeport, Alabama, when he was accidently killed by a revolver while on duty. Sylvia Jane Fisher was the last child and the youngest sister of the family. Their father, Thomas H. Fisher is Charles Willis' 3rd great grandfather.
Photo courtesy of Charles Willis.