Pictures - Miscellaneous

123rd New York 30 Year Survivor's Ribbon
Pvt. Martin J. Murtha's 30 year survivor's ribbon which was given to him at the 1892 veterans reunion in Salem, N.Y.
Photo courtesy of Kevin Jones.

123rd New York Monument at the Bentonville Battlefield
Bentonville, North Carolina
These photos are of the monument to the 123rd New York that was erected next to the Bentonville Battleground State Historic Site, North Carolina, in 2011. For the story about the monument and those who erected it, click here. For the story about the actual New York soil that was placed at the base of the monument, click here.
Photos courtesy of Bob Farrell.

123rd New York Company E Recruiting Office
Hartford, New York
These photos are of the 1862 recruiting office for the 123rd New York Company E which is now a historical museum. It is located in Hartford, New York.
Photos courtesy of Gen. Richard Valente (Ret).

123rd New York Company E Civil War Memorial Mound
Hartford, New York
These photos are of a Civil War Memorial Mound located in the Hartford Cemetery in Hartford, New York.
Photos courtesy of Gen. Richard Valente (Ret).

123rd New York Company A Monument
Greenwich, New York
The monument is located on the square in front of the Greenwich Journal office in Greenwich, New York. In the photo is Tim Tefft, Greenwich Journal, and Ed Robinson.
Photo: Edward C. Robinson, Col., U.S. Army, Ret., of Alexandria, Va.

123rd New York Monument at the Gettysburg National Military Park
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Located on South Slocum Avenue, Gettysburg National Military Park. Inscription on plaque reads, "The 123rd N.Y. was enlisted in Washington Co. in Aug. 1862. Mustered into the U.S. service Sept. 4. Joined the Army of the Potomac and was engaged in the Battles of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. In Sept. 1863 transferred to the Army of the Cumberland and was engaged in the Campaign of Atlanta, the March to the Sea, and the Campaign of the Carolinas. Mustered out at Washington at the close of the war, June 8, 1865."
Information courtesy of Edward C. Robinson, Col., U.S. Army, Ret., of Alexandria, Va.
Staff photo.

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123rd New York Monument Dedication - 1888
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Veterans of the 123rd New York Volunteer Infantry at the monument dedication ceremonies at Gettysburg National Military Park, Sept. 4, 1888. Seated third from left is Sgt. Henry C. Morhous of Company C.
Photo courtesy of Bob Farrell.

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123rd New York Monument Dedication - 1888
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Veterans of the 123rd New York Volunteer Infantry at the monument dedication ceremonies at Gettysburg National Military Park, Sept. 4, 1888.
Photo: Edward C. Robinson, Col., U.S. Army, Ret., of Alexandria, Va.

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123rd New York's "Silent Seven" Reunion
Devil's Den, Gettysburg National Battlefield Park, Pennsylvania
Veterans of the 123rd New York Volunteer Infantry's "Silent Seven" fraternity at a reunion at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. The photograph was taken at the Devil's Den, Gettsyburg National Battlefield Park. Date unknown.
Photo courtesy of Paul Curtis.

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123rd New York's "Silent Seven" Reunion
Lookout Mountain, Chattanooga, Tennessee
Veterans of the 123rd New York Volunteer Infantry's "Silent Seven" fraternity at a reunion at Lookout Mountain in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The photograph was taken at Umbrella Rock, Lookout Mountain National Battlefield Park, on November 15, year unknown. Top row, left to right: John W. Richards, Albert A. Norton, Phineas F. Dixon, Clark Curtis. Second row, left to right: Francis Legnard, Henry C. Morhous. Standing at the base is Jay Fairbanks, 83 years of age.
Photo courtesy of Paul Curtis.

123rd New York Guidon
Whitehall, New York
This is a 'flank marker' made for the 123rd New York sometime after it joined the 20th Corps. The flag is in the possesion of the Skeene Museum in Whitehall, New York. Special thanks to the museum director for allowing us to take the flag out of the case, photograph it, and measure it.
Photo courtesy of Todd Hoffay.

(Click on a picture to view a larger image.)
123rd New York Recruitment Broadside
Argyle, New York
This broadside was used to announce the first meeting held in Washington County to recruit for the 123rd New York State Volunteer Infantry following Pres. Lincoln's call for 300,000 additional troops. The meeting was held at Argyle, New York, on July 22, 1862.
Photos courtesy of Raymond Gram of Twin Lakes, WI.

Postcard of Culp's Hill
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
This is a vintage postcard of the 123rd Regt. N.Y.S.V.'s monument and position at Culp's Hill, Gettysburg National Battlefield, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Reverse of card reads, "Slocum Avenue, Gettysburg, Adams County, PA. Culp's Hill, ... marks the line of battle occupied during the 2nd and 3rd days of July '63, by Gen. Slocum's 12th Corps, and was the scene of awful carnage during these terrible days. Civil War connection -- showing 123rd New York Monument."
Photo courtesy of Bob Farrell.

Postcard of the Battle of Kolb's Farm
Kennesaw Mountain, Georgia
This is a vintage postcard of a painting of the Battle of Kolb's Farm, the original of which at one time hung in the lobby of the Visitor Center at the Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park. The painting presumably shows the initial Confederate attack against the skirmish line of the 123rd New York.
Photo courtesy of Bob Farrell.

War Memorial
Hartford, New York
War memorial to the veterans of the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, the Civil War, and WWI. Contains names of the 123rd New York Volunteer Infantry. Located at Hartford, New York, across from the house used to recruit volunteers for Company E, 123rd New York Volunteer Infantry.
Photo and information courtesy of Bill Jeffway, great-grand nephew of Pvt. Adolphus Jefway, Company E, 123rd New York Volunteer Infantry.

Company E Recruitment House
Hartford, New York
The house used to recruit volunteers for Company E, 123rd New York Volunteer Infantry. Located at Hartford, New York.
Photo and information courtesy of Bill Jeffway, great-grand nephew of Pvt. Adolphus Jefway, Company E, 123rd New York Volunteer Infantry.

Store Front c. 1896
Whitehall, New York
This is a period photo taken in 1896 of a highly patriotic store front honoring the Union veterans, decorated perhaps for a veterans parade.
Photo courtesy of Bob Farrell.

123rd New York Prosthetic Leg
This is the prosthetic leg of an unidentified veteran of the 123rd New York Volunteer Infantry from a wound suffered on the field.
Photo courtesy of Bob Farrell.